Friday 28 September 2012

Love that will etched in memory forever

I'd sing about your thin, convex, almond eyes and gentle mouth, which has lips that curve into a smile when you see me; about your hands, perfect amount of roughness to them, which always shoot goals; about your breath which come more quickly when you're anxious; about your lightly-curled brunette hair, which gleamed in the sunlight; about your slender arms which could do so much work; about your well-toned legs, which jump so high up in the air in order to reach for the ball; and about the wonderful scent of you skin which smelled of sea air, sweat and a unique hint of indescribable fragrance

Words i never got to say, my previous.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Holding out a hand for a gumdrop in the sky

You know one can never wait forever, at least not me. There'll come a point where I will be so done waiting, i'll just strut off. I mean, we can't be holding on onto something that we ourselves are uncertain about right? I've done my part. The dice is in your hands now, it's time to make your move.

Do you really want me to walk away? As you know, people gotta move on after some time.

Monday 24 September 2012

Should old acquaintances be forgotten?

How very lovely it is to be contacting you again, after what seemed like silence forever. It was so heartwarming to know that you still trust me with your secrets and insecurities.  

You flattered me, and i just didnt know how to react.

I cant help but reminisce about the past, how we shared little unforgettable memories together.

If you realised, we never really got to tell each other how we exactly felt back then but we both know what it was. Guessed we love one another as friends too much, neither of us dared to risk it. Isnt that the real beauty of it? 2 innocent souls who'd rather suffer the pain of unrequited love than to admit their desires by have the friendship at stake. What more love could there be than that?

However, truth is, i dont think you ever wholly knew what i had inside of me. A hint you may have gotten but i am pretty sure nothing comes close to how i actually felt.

&& like waves, my feelings come and go.

A New Beginning

Hello fellow Earthlings!

Alright, so it seems like I've decided to start blogging. Well you see, I've been a diary keeper since forever and every now and then I'd pen down an entry or two.

Since recently, I'm always on my laptop thanks to assignments and such. So i thought, "Wouldn't it be much more convenient if i could just type it out instead of doing manual writing?". That's when it hit me that i should create a blog. It would also be more fun too. Getting to share it with unknown people who might actually feel the exact same way like i do. Nonetheless, I wont totally give up on my diary, I still expect myself to revisit it once in awhile. As you know, I've never stop believing that it is more therapeutic when you kick things old school.

By the way, i doubt anyone is ever gonna read it. That is totally cool with me. This is just platform for me to pour out my emotions when it gets hard to confide in anyone. Besides, I'll also have more guts to express myself. Do i want to tell my friends about this? Honestly, no, because the main purpose is to let my spirit run wild and not having to feel insecure about what their side comments might be. Anyway if they were to find out, consider them lucky! They'll get an insight of what I'm going through at the current situation without any sugar coating, just absolutely raw feelings!


I hereby announce the beginning of the documentary of my life.