Saturday 20 October 2012

A New Chapter

School resumes tomorrow, which means meal deprivation and sleepless nights to come. Oh boy.

Anyway, it'll be a fresh start and I intent to begin it with good working habits, like how my mum and aunt always advised me too. No more procrastination, or fooling around. Last semester was a huge wake up call to my GPA. I've letdown those around me with my poor results but mostly, I've disappointed myself. & now it is time to slog all the way!

Though the thought of having to work my ass off doesn't seem to exciting, I must say i'm pretty psyched for school. Maybe mainly, i just miss my classmates that's all and my crush. Oops but yes I do!

I want to be working hard on every school day and not spend each day like it's a holiday. That way when holiday comes, i wont feel any guilt to party because I know I've done my best for school. Do I promise to put all this into action? YES, and you all will be my witness. Watch me ace this term guys!

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